Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Unit 5-Assignment 1

Is is all about the money?Yes,to me its all about money.people actions are driven by money,because if they got money,they go out and spend it and be happy.If they doesn't have any money they stay at home and be bored,wit their actions.Money leads to happiness all the times,you get to do exciting things with it.No people with money,isn't better than the people without any money.S0me rich people are bored and lonely,and some broke people are happy and not bored,so their not any better .The wealthy get their money because of their work,not because of someone else.Doctors,and lawyer,and ball players,do what they like,to earn their earnings,so it's their doing for them self. No its no responsibility to share money with others that doesn't have any.But I was rich,I'll share my money with lots of people in the world,and make their life better,and maybe they can became rich and help someone.


  1. Your work do not need to be like you text. But everything ealse is ok.

  2. Your answer to the last question is especially telling of your personality!
    Great details in this post.

    Quite a lot of small errors that you can correct for maximum points. As is 18/20 points.
